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Knitting and crochet were often learned at a young age by our grandparents, who passed these valuable skills down to new generations—with joy and unspoken pride. Their message endures: there’s nothing quite like creating something by hand, stitch by stitch. The sense of connection and accomplishment remains as meaningful today.

With YARN 18 - The Family Issue, we celebrate this tradition. Inside, you'll find twelve unique knitting and crochet designs, photographed at the historic Zuiderzee Museum in The Netherlands. This authentic setting beautifully showcases a blend of new patterns and timeless favourites from the Scheepjes archives, all reimagined with a modern twist—ready to inspire the next generation of crafters.

Alongside these beautiful patterns, YARN 18 offers a wealth of information and inspiration. Discover the variety of fibres and blends in the Scheepjes yarn family, and explore essential crafting tools. Learn how crafting promotes wellbeing, and meet Tania at KnitKat, the vibrant hub in Gent where crafters of all ages gather. You’ll also be introduced to some of the faces behind De Bondt, a dedicated team working passionately to support the crafting community and deliver the finest products.

No. 18 Bookazine - The Family Issue

SKU: 9789491840821
Only 4 left in stock
  • Patterns written in English (U.K) terms. 

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